2020 Service dog name contest winner is “Courtenay” after Courtenay Chapter 184
Courtenay Chapter#184 was instituted on May 24, 1947 and was named after, William Courtenay, the founder of the Courtenay Manufacturing Company. Demits were granted on March 18, 1950 to those who became charter members of Seneca Chapter #5. In 2010 Courtenay Chapter consolidated with Seneca Chapter and they became one.
This year the Chapter members submitted a name and donations to the “Name a Dog” contest to name a service dog for Palmetto Animal Assisted Life Services (PAALS) sponsored by the Grand Chapter of South Carolina. They submitted the name of Courtenay after Courtenay Chapter #184. At the 2021 Grand Chapter session they were thrilled when it was announced that Courtenay was the name pulled from the hat.
The combined history of Courtenay and Seneca made this so special for all. The picture will hang in our chapter as a reminder of our history, but more important Courtenay, the special dog, will be trained to make a difference in someone’s life.